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Eagle Nest with Mother & 2 Chicks.  Three weeks after hatch. Focal point on Eaglet.
Steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis). Wildlife animal.
In the hawk's nest, Harris hawk eat and feed prey to their young
Eagle sitting on nest with chicks in Smith Rock State Park in Oregon
The Harris's Hawk takes care young hawks.
L 59-73cm, WS 138-170cm.\nResident in mountains an forests, preferring areas with rocks, steep cliffs and mature trees (preferably conifers); often in rocky archipelagos. Scattered distribution, generally rare and local.\nNocturnal and partly crepuscular. Day roost in dense mature spruces or firs, or in cave or crevice.\nFood mammals (voles, rats, hedgehogs, hares) and birds (corvids, gulls, wildfowl).\nNests on inaccessible cliff-edge or less often on the ground by rock, uprooted tree or among boulders, exceptionally in abandoned raptor’s nest or n barn, abandoned factory, etc.\nIn spite of its size and its impressive claws is by and large a non-violent and retiring owl near its nest, and aggressive behaviour toward humans is rare.\n\nThis is a scarce owl in the eastern and Southern part of the Netherlands and is mostly breeding in abandoned Quarries.\n\nThis Picture is made at a Birds of Prey Farm near Lunteren (Gelderland, the Netherlands).
Portrait of Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). Golden eagle close-up, mighty eagle
Two Baby Golden Eagle in nest waiting for a parent to bring food.  One eaglet is lying down. with head down. Tree is on edge of a cliff where Golden Eagles typically nest. This is in El Paso County, Colorado near Colorado Springs, Colorado in United States of America (USA).
Bald Eaglets wait for their share of a fish an adult had caught in the Delaware River
Bald Eagles in the Nest, One Adult and 2 Eaglets.
Young Eagle Chick in Nest
A close up of the head of a female Golden eagle that is looking towards the camera. The bird belonging to a nomadic eagle hunter. The eagle is used for traditional hunting in the remote Kazakh region of the Altai Mountains. It lives with the eagle hunter's family and develops a strong bond with the hunter. The eagle hunter competes in traditional festivals with his eagle to show off the hunting skills and bond between hunter and bird.
Steppe Eagle young chick in the nest. The rare bird Aquila nipalensis of prey protected species
African eagle
Golden Eagle sitting in a cage or aviary. The golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, is a bird of prey living in the Northern Hemisphere.
Golden Eagle sitting in the Yellowstone Ecosystem in western USA of North America. Nearest cities are Denver, Colorado, Salt Lake City, Jackson, Wyoming, Gardiner, Cooke City, Bozeman, and Billings, Montana,
Gentle western marsh harrier, circus aeruginosus with white down feathers looking aside on nest from branches in spring nature. Fluffy little birds of prey looking aside and calling.
Bird of prey, Harris Hawk
Wild bald eagle seen in natural outdoor environment during summer time in north America. Perched on a red, pole with blurred background in boreal forest.
An eagle hunting a rabbit.
Bald Eaglets in their nest along the Delaware River
A baby owl perched in parched grass and hay.
Bald Eagle with two eaglets in their high up nest safe from predators  near Lake George, Colorado in western USA.
In the hawk's nest,  Baby harris hawk is resting
Bird of prey, Harris Hawk
Young Eagle Chick in Nest
a bald eagle feeding its young in the nest
Steppe Eagle young chick in the nest. The rare bird Aquila nipalensis of prey protected species
A Japanese Hawk bird of prey looking off to the distance from a wood branch.
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