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The Monument to the Constitution of 1812 in Cadiz, Spain on a sunny day.
Blue cannon on a field carrier at the reconstructed American rampart at the Chalmette Battlefield of the Battle of New Orleans fought during the War of 1812.
The Constitution of 1812 Bridge or La Pepa Bridge, a cable-stayed bridge across the Bay of Cadiz.
Garden gate in medieval village
Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Carpathian Mountains as you witness a serene mountain stream flowing through a lush beech forest in the vibrant summer season
Тюльпаны в парке около озера. Россия, Санкт-Петербург
Fountain Frogs in public park Aiazmoto in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Фонтан Жабките в  парк Аязмото, Стара Загора, България). The photo is taken with DJI quadcopter Mavic III
Baltimore's Inner Harbor in the early morning sunshine with wispy white clouds. This photo, taken during the celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the War of 1812, captures some of the numerous tall ships that sailed into the harbor to participate in the celebration.
Monument to the Constitution of 1812 in Cadiz, also known as Monument to the Cortes of Cadiz. Andalusia, Spain
Wide dron shot of Stara Zagora, city in Bulgaria at sunset (Bulgarian: Общ план на град Стара Загора по залез). The photo is taken with DJI quadcopter Mavic III
The impressive Puente de la Constitucion de 1812, also known as La Pepa Bridge, spans the Bay of Cadiz, showcasing modern engineering in historical Andalusia.
Ворота в храм.
Window of th abandoned 1812 house in the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area
Drone point of view of Tundja river near Stara Zagora (Bulagarian: Снимка с дрон на река Тунджа в близост до Стара Загора, България). The photo is taken with DJI quadcopter Mavic III
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada - June 20, 2020: The Navy Yard National Historical Site park of Amherstburg is that town's premiere park and tourist attraction. Situated along the shore of the Detroit River, the area served as a historically important military site, controlled by British forces and integral to the defence of now Canadian soil in ongoing battles with the United States as the two nations fought for territory.\n\nTHis war memorial commemorates the War of 1812.
The modern suspension bridge \
The Medeu  is an outdoor speed skating and bandy rink. It is located in a mountain valley on the south-eastern outskirts of Almaty в Казахстане
An extreme closeup of the 15 star 15 stripe  flag that was flown over Fort McHenry Maryland during the War of 1812.  Inspired by the sight of this flag during the battle at Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key wrote the poem \
Азиатское блюдо с бульоном, лапшой, тигровыми креветками, рыбой, яйцом и зелёным луком. Традиционный азиатский суп в белой глубокой тарелке. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
A replica flag from the War of 1812 period of American history waving in the breeze.  This 15 star 15 stripe  flag was flown over Fort McHenry Maryland during the War of 1812.  Inspired by the sight of this flag during the battle at Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key wrote the poem \
Beverly, usa - August 23, 2016: Rows of tombstones of American Veterans from 1812 war in a cemetery with USA flags and dried grass during a summer day
Пасхальный кулич с цукатами в белой глазури с разноцветной посыпкой и крашеными яйцами. Традиционная пасхальная выпечка. Праздник Пасха. Крупный план, выборочная фокусировка.
Сочная спелая свежая слива с каплями воды в серой тарелке на чёрном фоне. Сезонные фрукты. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
Drone shot of the russian church, officially known as the Church of St Nicholas the Miracle-Maker in downtown in Sofia, Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Руската църква Свети Николай Чудотворец в София, България). The photo is taken with drone DJI Phantom 4 Pro.
Малосольные огурцы в банке с приправами, специями и зеленью. Домашние сезонные заготовки. Традиционное консервирование овощей. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
The Monument to the Constitution
Паштет из куриной печени с пшеничным хлебом, рукколой, вялеными томатами и чёрным чаем. Домашняя традиционная кухня в стиле рустик. Вариант завтрака или перекуса. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
Vyazma, Smolensk region, Russia, 10.31.2021: View of the Memorial of the War of 1812 in the square of the Valiant Ancestors on a sunny autumn day
Free Images: "bestof:Рекогносцировка Бородинского поля в 1812 году, произведенная по поручению Главного"
Рекогносцировка Бородинского поля в 1812 году, произведенная по поручению Главного Штаба капитаном Кожевниковым.jpg
Oldest bridge in Saransk.JPG
Smolensk fortress wall 2.jpg
Antipa Shelaputin by Varnek (Borodinskaya panorama).jpg
Generals of the Russian Army (1812) by N Zaretsky 1911.jpg
Nativity (15-16th c., GTG) 2.jpg
Nativity (15-16th c., GTG).jpg
E.I. Golenisheva-Kutuzova.jpeg.jpg
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