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Fisherman in Ru Cha forest - a mangrove forest in leaf changing season - Huong Phong, Huong Tra, Thua Thien Hue province
Winner's Cup, symbolizing victory and success in competitions. First place prize. Trophy for winning in business. The winner's shiny gold cup symbolizes victory and success in competition.
Drone view fisherman in Ru Cha forest - a mangrove forest in leaf changing season - Huong Phong, Huong Tra, Thua Thien Hue province
Mangrove forest, central Viet Nam, Ru Cha forest, Thua Thien Hue
Gold star on a blue background as a reward. Top Performance Award. Winners Cup. Achievements. Victory. Goal achievement concept. Winner certificate. First place in a computer game. 3D rendering.
Digital technologies. Cube with binary code. Blockchain. Artificial Intelligence. Abstract technical background. Computer code. Hacker attack. Data block. Binary code. Big data. Ai. 3D rendering.
Ru Cha mangrove forest, Thua Thien Hue province
Ru Cha Hue primeval mangrove forest is one of the places that attracts a lot of tourists in the Hue tourist map. Only about 15km from the center of Hue city, in addition to being famous for its beauty and mystery, Ru Cha Hue is also known as the only rare primeval mangrove forest that still exists in the largest lagoon system in Southeast Asia (Tam Giang lagoon).
First place in cyber sports. Competition. Video games. Shiny gold cup of the winner symbolizes victory and success in competition. Prize for the first place. Trophy for the victory. 3d render.
Drone view fisherman in Ru Cha forest - a mangrove forest in leaf changing season - Huong Phong, Huong Tra, Thua Thien Hue province
Scientific cosmetic technology background. Conceptual cosmetic solution for skin care. Molecular structures. Suitable for biochemical, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and other medical concepts. 3d render.
Reach the finish line. Congratulations on winning. Video games. First place prize. Trophy for winning. First place in eSports. Competition. Success in a legal case. Win a court case. 3d render.
Artificial intelligence concept. Abstract concepts of cybersecurity and digital data protection technologies. Data background. Big data. Zero trust. Background of polygons, dots and lines. 3D render.
Drone view old fisherman in Ru Cha forest - a mangrove forest in leaf changing season - Huong Phong, Huong Tra, Thua Thien Hue province
Ru Cha Hue primeval mangrove forest is one of the places that attracts a lot of tourists in the Hue tourist map. Only about 15km from the center of Hue city, in addition to being famous for its beauty and mystery, Ru Cha Hue is also known as the only rare primeval mangrove forest that still exists in the largest lagoon system in Southeast Asia (Tam Giang lagoon).
Garage or hangar with hexagonal pattern. Cement podium for your product. Blue concrete background illuminated with pink light for your product presentation. Futuristic garage or hangar. Concrete background. 3d render.
Ru Cha Hue primeval mangrove forest is one of the places that attracts a lot of tourists in the Hue tourist map. Only about 15km from the center of Hue city, in addition to being famous for its beauty and mystery, Ru Cha Hue is also known as the only rare primeval mangrove forest that still exists in the largest lagoon system in Southeast Asia (Tam Giang lagoon).
Empty transparent glass jar for canning on white background. Glass jar for food isolated on white background. 3d render
Силоси за житарице и кукуруз усред лета на југозападу
Салат с консервированным тунцом, томатами, арахисом, манго, авокадо, сельдереем, хлопьями чили и чёрным кунжутом. Лёгкий летний салат с оливковым маслом и долькой лимона. Домашняя кухня. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
Beautiful drone shot of downtown district of Sofia, Bulgaria, St. Alexader Nevski Cathedral in the middle, gold colored domes. (Bulgarian: Красив кадър от дрон на централната част на София, България,  храм-паметник Свети Александър Невски в средата, златни куполи/кубета). The photo is taken with drone DJI Phantom 4 Pro.
Ru Cha Hue primeval mangrove forest is one of the places that attracts a lot of tourists in the Hue tourist map. Only about 15km from the center of Hue city, in addition to being famous for its beauty and mystery, Ru Cha Hue is also known as the only rare primeval mangrove forest that still exists in the largest lagoon system in Southeast Asia (Tam Giang lagoon).
Курица, запеченная целиком до аппетитной хрустящей корочки с гранатом и красным апельсином. Традиционное новогоднее и рождественское блюдо. На заднем плане — рождественские украшения. Крупный план, выборочная фокусировка.
Tiled floor in the dark with fog or smoke, 360 panorama. Empty room without renovation. Full seamless spherical hdri panorama 360 degrees in interior of a dark garage,warehouse, corridor. 3d render.
Ru Cha Hue primeval mangrove forest is one of the places that attracts a lot of tourists in the Hue tourist map. Only about 15km from the center of Hue city, in addition to being famous for its beauty and mystery, Ru Cha Hue is also known as the only rare primeval mangrove forest that still exists in the largest lagoon system in Southeast Asia (Tam Giang lagoon).
Fisherman in Ru Cha forest - a mangrove forest in leaf changing season - Huong Phong, Huong Tra, Thua Thien Hue province
Machine learning. Data background. Artificial Intelligence. Network structure background. Wide banner. Big data. Artificial Intelligence. Blockchain technology. Ai. 3d render.
Wide aerial drone shot of  Sofia city, Bulgaria Vitosha street -  (Bulgarian : София, бул. Витоша , НДК Национален дворец на културата). The picture was taken at day time with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter.
Салат Цезарь с форелью (лососем), помидорами черри, гренками, сыром пармезан, перепелиными яйцами и салатом романо. Традиционное американское блюдо. Крупный план, выборочный фокус.
Салат Цезарь с курицей, помидорами черри, гренками, сыром пармезан, перепелиными яйцами и салатом романо. Традиционное американское блюдо. Крупный план, выборочный фокус.
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01 УНР 24-04-1919 Koзак.svg
02 УНР 24-04-1919 Гурткoвий.svg
03 УНР 24-04-1919 Рoйoвий.svg
04 УНР 24-04-1919 Чoтoвий.svg
05 УНР 24-04-1919 Бунчужний.svg
06 УНР 24-04-1919 Підxoрунжий.svg
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15 УНР 24-04-1919 Наказний oтаман.svg
14 УНР 24-04-1919 Військoвий міністр.svg
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12 УНР 24-04-1919 Отаман.svg
11 УНР 24-04-1919 Полковник.svg
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